The result was that our served agencies did not know what background any of us had, particularly if we were moving to another jurisdiction. Up until now, every individual ARES group has pretty much decided what and how they wish to train. Thanks to our (South Texas Section Communications Manager) Lee Cooper, W5LHC, an initiative to introduce a standardized ARES training program has been accepted by the entire West Gulf Division (that's South Texas, North Texas, West Texas, and Oklahoma). Training This training subgroup is limited to SM, SEC, DECs, ECs, and AECs and was created at the request of Michael Urich KA5CVH Harris-SE ASEC Training.For-Sale-or-Wanted This subgroup is where you can list Amateur Radio and EMCOMM related gear you have for sale or items you want.Digital-Comms This subgroup is to discuss all things related to digital comms as it relates to EMCOMM Packet, Pactor, VARA FM, VARA HF, Winlink, etc.Alerts This subgroup is only for Alerts, Activations, and Announcements from ARES Leadership.District-11 was absorbed by other districts.This email address is being protected from spambots.To join them repeat the above steps but change the email address to the one(s) you want to join. We also have subgroups for all 15 Districts. To register as a new ARES member follow this link to the ARES Vault.

No approval process is necessary and to keep spammers out all new members will be moderated until you are verified in the ARES database. Then check your inbox and reply to the confirmation email. To join the new STXARES send a blank email to This email address is being protected from spambots. He is also active as a Volunteer Examiner and teacher of amateur radio licensing classes. He is the founding member and President of the Milam Amateur Radio Club. Stuart Wolfe currently serves as South Texas ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator and Emergency Coordinator. ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, made the appointment after consulting with ARRL West Gulf Division Director John Robert Stratton, N5AUS, and receiving recommendations from Gilbert, West Gulf Division Vice Director Lee Cooper, W5LHC, and others in the South Texas Section. Wolfe’s appointment as Section Manager begins on October 1 and extends until September 30, 2021. Wolfe, of Rockdale, Texas, will complete the remainder of Gilbert’s term. He succeeds Paul Gilbert, KE5ZW, of Cedar Park, who has stepped down as Section Manager to become ARRL Director of Emergency Management. Stuart Wolfe, KF5NIX, has been appointed ARRL South Texas Section Manager. Stuart Wolfe, KF5NIX, Appointed South Texas Section Manager Read more: Section Emergency Coordinator - Jeffery Walter KE5FGA Somewhere along the way Hal dropped a W from his call. Hal Merritt KD5HWW who was the EC for the Northwest quadrant (now unit) for Harris County. Ken Mitchell KD2KW, who was a member and the D14 Emergency Coordinator. Dale Walker AA5DW (SK) at a Northwest Amateur Radio Society (NARS) meeting. I was several months of listening to conversations and police frequencies before deciding it was time to take the test. I couldn’t wait to mimic my public service friends by purchasing an ICOM 2720 and the study material for my technician license. I must also give a tip of the hat to Susan KB5ICO, Chuck N5GCQ, and David N5SRC. Mike Hardwick N5VCX placed an HT in my van for me to listen to for our 10 van conga line trip drive back to Dallas.

We had just completed SAG support for the SAM's Club MS150 from Frisco (near Dallas) to Ardmore.

I became interested in amateur radio during a drive back from Ardmore OK in 2004. Section Emergency Coordinator - Jeffery Walter KE5FGA