
Southwest airlines check in daylight savings
Southwest airlines check in daylight savings

View Gallery: 30 cool aviation pics: Southwest jets, a Boeing 727, A380s and more IN PICTURES: 30 cool aviation photos ( story continues below) Many say the airline implicitly allows seat saving by not having a policy.

southwest airlines check in daylight savings

The airline doesn't have a policy allowing or forbidding seat saving, leaving passengers and flight attendants to solve disputes on an individual basis. Officially, Southwest stays mum on the topic. One traveler not bothered by seat saving posted on FlyerTalk: "Fly another airline if this stuff bothers you.'' Pick another seat and move on, is a frequent refrain. In the other camp: passengers who think seat-saving is a #firstworld problem, like spotty in-flight Wi-Fi, and that people who are deeply bothered by it are spoiling for a fight, passive/aggressive or have no empathy for families traveling with young children. In one corner: those who see seat-saving as patently unfair and brand seat-savers as entitled passengers, seat cheats, seat hoarders, seat jerks and cheapskates (for not paying for early boarding for every member of their group.) The harshest comments are reserved for those who save prime seats in the front of the plane or exit rows or an entire row or two of seats.

southwest airlines check in daylight savings

The topic divides Southwest passengers into two passionate camps, factions that no doubt will be on display as the holiday travel crush begins this week. TODAY IN THE SKY: Southwest Airlines unveils new ad campaign It's the airline version of saving seats at the movies or hotel pool. The open-seating system spawns seat-saving, in which people who board first save seats for spouses, kids, friends and co-workers farther back in line, leaving fewer choices for other passengers. Passengers are assigned a boarding group and sit in any open seat when it's their turn to board. But it attracts plenty of disdain, too, for its one-of-a-kind boarding process.

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Southwest, the nation's largest domestic carrier, gets plenty of love for its free bags, funny flight attendants and fares. View Gallery: Southwest unveils first new look since 2001 “He had to buy her all kinds of alcohol to get her to calm down,’’ the San Diego sales rep and consultant said. She did, but burst into tears when her boyfriend boarded, telling him Weinshanker had intimidated her. Weinshanker told her, nicely he says, that Southwest has open seating and asked her to move the tablet to the window seat to try to save that for her boyfriend.

southwest airlines check in daylight savings

TODAY IN THE SKY: Southwest Airlines plans Hawaii flights She sat in the middle and put a tablet on the aisle seat. They had each paid the airline’s $15 early bird fee in hopes of snagging the coveted seats with extra legroom - Weinshanker is 6-2' - during Southwest’s first-come, first-served open boarding.Ī passenger who boarded before the couple was saving the aisle seat for her boyfriend because he was near the end of the boarding line. It was the exit-row aisle seat she had her eyes on so they could sit across from one another. Well, not technically her seat because Southwest famously doesn’t assign seats. Stu Weinshanker was boarding a Southwest Airlines flight in Las Vegas when he found something occupying his wife’s seat. Watch Video: Southwest Airlines seat saving drives passengers crazy

Southwest airlines check in daylight savings